Long-standing housing restrictions for convicted sex offenders in Corona could be amended Wednesday, July 15, bringing the city into compliance with a state law passed in March. Full Article
What: The Corona City Council may change city rules to allow sex offenders to live within 2,000 feet of a school or park.
When: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 15
Where: City Council chambers, 400 S. Vicentia Ave., Corona
Well I can assure the reader that Corona never enforced their banishment law with 100% accuracy.
I lived in corona CA cops told me I could not live in corona or even buy a house out there for years all my family was out there it waz hard and I was paranoid all the time for like five years really suck man
Anyone know the outcome of this?
The ordinance was passed to remove the 2000 foot residency restrictions and this was reluctantly passed 4 Yes, 0 Noes. Here is the link to the Corona City council meeting and go to 52 minutes into the meeting for the discussion and the vote. The city attorney directed the council that if they didn’t pass this ordinance that they would definitely be sued and which would be costly for the city in attorneys fees. They also asked the police chief how many registered citizens were in the city and he stated 87.
If the supreme court passed this is it for all CA cities or just Corona?